What are my options when setting up the schedule for an eWebinar?

Explains all of your options when scheduling your eWebinar, whether it is a recurring event, one-time event, to be held on a few specific dates and times, or on-demand only.

There are a number of settings to configure when setting up the schedule for your eWebinar. This article explains them all in detail (click the links to skip ahead):

Knowing how is not knowing why!

Knowing how to configure your webinar schedule and why  you should do it one way versus another are two very different things. To learn a few key strategies to follow when setting up your schedule, especially as it relates to how you want to respond to chat messages, check out this related article:

Quelles sont les meilleures pratiques à suivre lors de la programmation et de la mise en place du chat pour mes eWebinars ? (3 stratégies efficaces)

Event type

When setting up the schedule of an eWebinar, the first thing you must do is choose its Event type under Event settings.

event settings v2When you do this, the whole page will automatically adjust so that it only displays options that are relevant for that type of event. Also, default settings will update themselves, so they reflect that event type's most commonly selected options and best practices. You can, of course, set things up however you like, but having intelligent defaults in place will save you a lot of time.

Below are the four Event types and how they work:

On-demand options are always available

Keep in mind that all four event types can support on-demand webinars, just-in-time webinars, and replays.

Recurring event

Choosing Recurring event as your webinar's Event type lets you set up one or more recurrences in your webinar schedule such that sessions regularly happen on the same days and times from week to week.

Here is a list of the recurrences you can add to your schedule:

Recurrence Description
Every day 7 days a week
Every weekday Monday through Friday
Every week On whatever day(s) of the week you choose (e.g. Mon & Fri)
Every 2 weeks (odd)*

Bi-weekly, starting the first week of the schedule

Every 2 weeks (even)* Bi-weekly, starting the second week of the schedule
Once a month One day a month (e.g. the first Tuesday of every month)
On a specific date On any future date

* What to know when scheduling bi-weekly webinars

When scheduling bi-weekly webinars, remember that weeks always start on Sunday. For example, if the start date of your recurring schedule is on a Tuesday and you add a recurrence for Every 2 weeks (odd) on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, the first week will have sessions on Wednesday and Friday, but not on Monday of the following week (since Sunday will have been the first day of week 2). If this seems confusing, be sure to use the schedule preview to verify that things are set up how you would like.

You may add as many recurrences to your schedule as you need. For example, two recurrences have been added to the schedule in the example below, so that webinars happen on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 10AM and 2PM, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11AM and 3PM.


One-time event

One-time event is exactly what it sounds like. You can schedule your webinar to happen on a set date at a set time. (If you want to hold your webinar at more than one time on a single date, use Specific dates and times instead.)

one-time event

Specific dates and times

Specific dates and times lets you schedule your webinar to happen on as many specific dates as you like and at as many times as you like on each date.

specific dates and times

How on-demand options work with webinars scheduled on set dates

If you set up your webinar as a one-time event or on specific dates and times, on-demand webinars, just-in-time webinars, and/or replays, if enabled, will not become available for registrants to sign up for until the first (or only) event on your schedule begins.

On-demand only

Choosing On-demand only as your Event type means you do not want to have any set days and times on your webinar schedule. Instead, you want to allow people to sign up for an on-demand webinar, just-in-time webinar, and/or replay.

In the example below, on-demand webinars and replays have been enabled, but not just-in-time webinars.

od and replays

When you choose Recurring or On-demand only as your Event type, you must specify a start date when sessions become available for registrants to sign up for on your landing page.

You may also choose an end date, or leave it open ended by choosing "Never".

starts and ends v2

Time zone

You have two options when setting the time zone of your webinar. You can set your webinars to happen in a Fixed time zone or in the Attendee's local time zone.

Fixed time zone

If you choose a fixed time zone, you can specify the time zone of your webinars.

fixed tz

Attendee's local time zone

If you choose the attendee's local time zone, sessions will occur in the local time zone of the attendee, regardless of where they are located in the world.


For example, if you scheduled a session to start at 10am, the registrant would see 10am in the registration form whether they were in New York City or Singapore.

No time zone for on-demand only

You do not need to choose a time zone when On-demand only is your Event type.  Keep in mind that just-in-time sessions, if enabled, will always occur in the attendee's local time zone.

Webinaires à la demande

When enabled, on-demand webinars let people begin watching your webinar the moment they click to join it after registering.

webinaires à la demande

This section is also where you can enable the ungated on-demand webinar link, which you can learn more about here.

Just-in-time webinars

When just-in-time webinars are enabled, it means there is always a session about to start when a visitor discovers your landing page. Thus, they are always “just in time” for the next session.

The start time of the next session in your registration form will be based on the interval you select relative to the top of the hour.

jit webinarsFor example, if you select On the next quarter hour and someone discovers your landing page at 12:12 PM, the next available session to choose from in the registration form would be at 12:15 PM, just 3 minutes later, on the next quarter hour.


When you enable replays, registrants can sign up to get a link to watch your webinar at their convenience and control the video playback when they do (i.e. pause, skip around, play at 2X speed, etc.)

In this section, you can also set replay links to expire after a certain number of days, including replay links you send out in follow-up emails.

You can also enable the ungated replay link, which you can learn more about here.

Session availability of scheduled webinars

Under Availability, when relevant, you may choose how many scheduled sessions you would like to appear at a time in your registration form.

session availability

Keep in mind that on-demand webinars, just-in-time webinars, and replays always appear in the sessions drop-down menu, when enabled.

Blackout dates

Blackout dates let you specify holidays in the country of your choice (that may change dates from year to year) when you do not want any sessions to occur. You may do the same for a date range or particular day (by clicking the date twice in the calendar).

blackout dates-1

Heures d'ouverture

When just-in-time and/or on-demand webinars are enabled, setting your hours of operation prevents them from appearing as options in the registration form outside of those hours.

Keep in mind that office hours occur in the time zone you selected for your webinar.

hours of operation v2